Emotions Quiz

Do you feel you have a Pandora's box of emotions that will be "too much" once opened?


If you could imagine that healing is possible;

that you can actually change your patterns of behaviours, would you have the courage to finally face your feelings so that you can build happier, more rewarding, and trusting relationships with your partner, children, friends, and colleagues? 


Heartfelt Change offers a path beyond self-pity and judgement;

a path of compassion, enabling you to come to terms, stand steady, enjoy your life.

Keen to get started on your journey? Book your 60 minute session today

Are you caught up in cycles of behaviour?

Cycle of behaviour: Saying yes when you want to say no.
Cycle of behaviour: Imposter syndrome
Cycle of behaviour: Holding resentment.

Change is possible

Are you hesitant about therapy, feeling it might be self-indulgent?

If you're like other clients there's a part of you that feels you should be able to deal with things yourself; perhaps you don’t want to appear “needy”.

I understand that, truly, I do. For me, one result of not having people to consistently rely on as I grew up was believing I could and should do it all myself; that asking for help was a sign of weakness. I realised that this “strength” no longer served me and I reached out for help to my teacher and started my journey of change.

Or perhaps you’re worried it “won’t work”.

I know that feeling. There was part of me that was hesitant to reach out because if it didn’t “work” it would prove that there really was something wrong with me, something unfixable.

BUT you don’t learn to swim by reading books or learn to walk by remaining sitting down.

Ask yourself this; what belief about yourself are you feeding by NOT reaching out for help? Are you happy to live your life with those beliefs. Change is possible…

Here's how the Journey of Change can work for you:

Journey of change; 1:1 therapeutic sessions, breathwork, mindfulness, meditation, stress management, changing behaviours and patterns that do not serve.

This is how Liz and Jon experienced their journeys with Heartfelt Change

[Liz - chose to invest in the full programme]

"I am astounded at Emma's ability to cut into the core of my narrative and thinking. She is a very astute and perceptive coach - and as a sensitive guide, worked through some of my more limiting narrative. My aha moment is my habit of going into analysis -when in fact the answer lies in the body.

Before the course I would retreat into habitual and unhelpful narratives. After the course, I am more aware of the times I slip into my analysis of situations - and am able to refocus into the somatic experience. I think my body is holding onto some past trauma, and I can feel where this is manifest. It is going to be ongoing work to release, but I have started that process.

By investing your self into this course, you will be amazed at the discoveries Emma will help you to make. It might not be easy - but that's the point, and by leaning into the discomfort, you will find huge reward. It's enlightening, focussed on you, practical, insightful, nourishing and expansive. I have struggled with time commitment - but then that's been the point of my own journey. Investing in work on myself gets shunted down the priority list - when it shouldn't"


[Jon - chose 1 to 1 sessions, stress management techniques and breathwork]

"My behaviours are less harmful: I don't get angry any more, I have fewer days when I withdraw from the world. I have a clearer understanding of the self-beliefs that underpin these feelings/thoughts/behaviours and how they work on me.

My relationship with my family is so much better, I'm a much easier person to live with, my marriage is healthier. My work life was feeling tenuous when I started with Emma, but no longer. This is perhaps the first time, when I've felt this challenged, that I haven't simply run away from things (resign a job, end a relationship).

I didn't have any clear expectations when I started working with HFC, never had used counselling before. The initial weeks of support during a time of crisis were nevertheless far from what I thought would happen, in a positive way - listening and helping me to generate an understanding of how the crisis had come about, my internal processes that meant I responded as I did to the situation.

I would recommend HFC. I have been supported and then gently and with kindness challenged to look at my emotional self, with benefits clear to myself and my loved ones."


Start your journey today!

Overcome fears and resistance to change. Image of overwhelm, attribution to vecteezy.com

1. Overcome fears and resistance!

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Book a discover call. Image of a zoom call. Attribution to vecteezy.com

2. Book a discovery call on Zoom

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Create your bespoke journey. Image of a planner. Attribution to vecteezy.com

3. Choose what will serve you best

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Work together and start to transform. Image of people fitting jigsaw pieces together, attribution to vecteezy.com

4. Work together, the change begins

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Notice deeper changes in behaviour. Image of cog turning, attribution to vecteezy.com

5. Notice deeper changes in behaviour

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Journey of change programme ends but your journey continues. Image of a butterfly, attribution to vecteezy.com

6. How long does my journey last?

  • Show more...

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Still uncertain?

Ask yourself, where will you be in 6 months if you don't make a change?